MTK Hungaria vs Gyori ETO Who you support?
MTK Hungaria
Gyori ETO
Hungary - Cup Top Scorers
1 Novak Csanad 4(0)
2 Kristopher Vida 3(0)
3 Yohan Croizet 3(1)
4 Marin Jurina 3(0)
5 Nemanja Antonov 2(0)
6 Balint Olah 2(0)
7 Peter Horvath 2(0)
8 Zsombor Berecz 2(0)
9 Bright Edomwonyi 2(0)
10 Norbert Konyves 2(0)

MTK Hungaria

2 - 0

Date/Time: 2014-03-12 16:30:00 2014-03-12 16:30:00
Competition: Hungary - Cup
Live/Repeat: Live
Best Odds: 2.80 | 3.20 | 2.25 Bet Now
Handicap: +0.25 Bet Now

Gyori ETO

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