David Villa Ruled Out UEFA EURO 2012
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Villa won the title of UEFA EURO best shooter four years ago. But news confirmed that this Spanish shooter will not participate this UEFA EURO for his badly leg injury last December.
Nababkin Was Selected to the Russia 23-man Squad
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Russia coach Dick Advocaat has announced the 23-man squad 2012 for UEFA EURO 2012. Kirill Nababkin was selected for the first time. While Magomed Ozdoev and Artem Dzyuba were fail to be included.
Spain - No Victory in The Opener Is Not Equal Failure
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After Spain drew the match with Italy by 1: 1, criticism was absolutely exceeding praise now which gave the unprecedented pressure on matadors. It is time for Spain to raise their morale and find key problems.
Lionel Messi Has Tied Michel Platini
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Lionel Messi Has Tied Michel Platini
Five New Discoveries During Euro Warm-up Days
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All of the teams are making final preparations through warming up games for the coming 2012 European Championship, which made the international Euro break quite busy.
Switzerland vs Slovenia
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Switzerland 1-0 Slovenia
Albania vs Switzerland
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Albania 1-2 Switzerland
Norway vs Switzerland
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Norway 0-2 Switzerland
Iceland vs Albania
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Iceland 2-1 Albania
Cyprus vs Switzerland
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Cyprus 0-0 Switzerland