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Portugal squad's Euro 2012 campaign finallsit published

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Portugal coach Paulo Bento published the 23-player name list for UEFA EURO 2012, with Lopes and Custódio included, who have never made appereances on behalf of national team.

Darida adds into Czech Republic squad

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Czech Republic coach Michal Bílek announced to recruit FC Viktoria Plzeň midfielder Vladimír Darida as precaution for injured Rosický, while Plzeň does not have any experience for national team.

Scotland vs FYR Macedonia

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Scotland's chances of qualifying for World Cup 2014 hang by a thread after just two matches following a second home draw in four days. Scotland's goal was scored by Miller (43') and Macedonia's goalscorer was Noveski (11'). Scotland's starting line-up was McGregor, Webster, Caldwell, Hutton, Berra, Dixon, Maloney, Morrison, Forrest, Miller and Mackie while Macedonia lined up with Bogatinov, Sikov, Noveski, Popov, Georgievski, Gligorov, Demiri, Pandev, Trickovski, Ibraimi and Ivanovski.

David Villa Ruled Out UEFA EURO 2012

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Villa won the title of UEFA EURO best shooter four years ago. But news confirmed that this Spanish shooter will not participate this UEFA EURO for his badly leg injury last December.

Portugal squad – Viana Came Back

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Viana was hurt and had a five-year long separation from Portugal squad. After recovery, he found himself catch the last bus of UEFA EURO 2012.