About 19863 results

David Villa Ruled Out UEFA EURO 2012

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Villa won the title of UEFA EURO best shooter four years ago. But news confirmed that this Spanish shooter will not participate this UEFA EURO for his badly leg injury last December.

Japan Bashed Spain in the Men Olympic Football Tournament

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Aggressive Spain football is suffering a rare defeat in recent years. The matadors headed by Juan Mata were bad beat by Japan who brought 1-0 win surprise to the world.

Stuart Pearce Was Bombarded by Santos Mourinho Felix for Failure in Quarter-final

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After British Olympic football team being eliminated, Real Madrid coach José Mario dos Santos Mourinho Felix again tore into Stuart Pearce for removing David Beckham from 18-man squad list.

France (w) Dream Was Broken in Semi-final

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France (w) broke dreams in Semi-final. French media: Japan (w) didn't play an attractive match.

Brazil and Mexico Eliminate Korea and Japan Respectively, Reaching Men's final

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The 2012 London men's Olympic football semi-finals ended on August 6, in which the Asian powerful pair Japan and South Korea both suffered defeat, they will vie for the bronze medal in the following competition. Mexico and Brazil reach the final.

Women's Olympic Football Semi-final Preview: U.S and Japan's Long-awaited Confrontation May Spoiled by France

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The Olympic Football Women's semi-final match will start on August 6th, and the two focal games will decide the last winners of final confrontation. The first semi-final game will feature France against the new World Cup champion Japan. French team's performance in London 2012 is quite impressive, while the Japanese team tend to be more stable. The favorite son USA team will compete with Canada in the second semi-final game. Can the strong U.S team qualify for the final as they want to fulfill their defending champion dream? Canada can not be overlooked, because they have cruised to the semi-finals over lots of opponents.